Saturday 25 September 2010

Sorry for the delay...!

Ive had a long break from blogging as have been starting my business (more to come on that) as well as tackling exams and navigating my way through the summer, but now as the cold weather comes floating back so have I.

Where to start (as there is so much to say!) - a nutritional tip. Omega 3 or to be really grown up alpha linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid which humans can not be make themselves so must be ingested. This fatty acid helps reduce inflammation throughout your body, maintains cell and brain health, keeps blood from clotting excessively as well as supporting immune function - all pretty important stuff. People who lack Omega 3 in their diets will often have dry skin, brittle hair and nails joint pain(caused by inflamation) amungst other things. Walnut and linseed oil both contain high levels of Omega 3, ground flaxseed are also a very simple way of getting omega 3 into your diet by simply sprinkle them over your cereal or adding them to a smoothie. If you are a fish lover oily fish such as mackerel and Salmon are a fantastic source of omega 3. This wonderful bud of joy has been splashed all over packaging recently with every margarine and processed fish product claiming that eating their product will boost your omega 3 levels. While this may be true it is important to bear in mind a) the source of your omega 3 and b) the ratio of the 2 omegas. It has been suggested that the correct ratio of Omega 3 to omega 6 should be 1:3. The average person that ratio is more like 1:20 as omega 6 is more readily available in the average diet. The reason it is so important to get this ratio as low as possible is beacause both the omegas compete with the same enzymes in the body. Which omega is most readily avaiable will dictate the derivative of that enzyme. If there is alot of omega 6 this will lead to pro inflamatory and pro thrombosis substances being formed which can lead to blood clots etc. Conversly if there is sufficient omega 3 then these make anti inflamatory and anti thromsosic substances. The body needs the omegas to be balanced in order to perform to its optimum
Tip of the day - buy some omega 3 oil and take a teaspoon a day to boost the ratiowhich will definatley keep the doctor away...
See you soon xx